Thursday, June 11, 2009

Whoa, it's getting late . . .

Okay . . . quick picks for tonight . . .

I'm a broken record, but Thursday is a fine locals night every week . . . 6 pm happy hours will get your evening off to a great start with Lewi Longmire at Laurelthirst, Pete Krebs & the Portland Playboys at Duff's Garage, or Colin Lake & Wellbottom out at Edgefield. Heading out later? Lauren Sheehan is doing her last Thursday until after the summer at the Muddy Rudder (8:30, free). Voodoo BBQ is at the White Eagle (8:30, $4). The Caleb Klauder Country Band is at the Spare Room (9 PM - 4830 NE 42nd). And Rollie Tussing is at Biddy McGraws (9 pm). Lots of great music for small cover or a few bucks in the tip jar.

There's a show worth checking out over at Mississippi Studios tonight - the acclaimed (though a bit too far under the radar for the last 25 years . . . though he did play Buddy Holly in La Bamba) Marshall Crenshaw. He's touring in support of his first recording in over six years, Jaggedland, and will be in the comfortable confines of MS . . . WW's Jeff Rosenberg called him the patron saint of power pop . . . . Portland's Matt Sheehy opens. . . 9 pm, $15

Here's a little something of Marshall's you might actually know:

OK . . . more later or tomorrow for the rest of the weekend . . .

BTW, Tom D'Antoni posted some great videos today over on his Portland Music News blog if you're looking for a little distraction.

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