Sunday, May 10, 2015

Breaking the silence....

...well not totally silent because my ears are still ringing from full day of music at Whiskeytown yesterday:  Fernando, Ty Curtis, Blitzen Trapper, Marty Marquis solo....but enough of the past...May 20 brings Grant Lee Phillips and Steve Poltz to Alberta Rose Theatre.  Should be plenty of laughs along with the music!
And a personal plea; if anyone is heading to Ryan Adams show in Bend on May 23 and has some room in their car, I'm looking for a ride (my mechanic will strangle me if I try to drive my very ancient Subaru on the freeway.)  I am housebroken, can help pay for gas and don't necessarily want to be grownup and sell my ticket....and DRA is my drug of choice besides me at: if you know of anything.

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